Science North's Floating Dock at the Ramsey Lake Boardwalk is currently decommissioned. Reopening is expected in Spring 2025. Please access via Paris or Elizabeth Street.


Science North, Northern Ontario's original science centre, is renowned for a fun and friendly approach to science education. Science North’s drawing power lies with its unique approach to learning. Given the relative geographic isolation of Sudbury, Science North founders knew they had to embrace a unique philosophy if the centre was to succeed.

What they decided was this: Rather than purchase push-button exhibits that focus solely on cause and effect, why not create new exhibits that take ordinary people through active processes to understand the relationship between science, technology and their everyday lives?


The secret to the success of this new philosophy is personal interaction. Enthusiastic science staff and eager volunteers share their knowledge and experience with every visitor. Staff and volunteers are affectionately known in Sudbury as Science North “Bluecoats,” a reference to the blue lab coats always worn on the exhibit floors.

Each learning experience is tailored to the individual. Youngsters, or adults in a hurry, can learn how scientific principles affect the world around them. Those with more time can experiment to find out why interactions occur. The more you want to learn, the more you can learn by talking to science staff and by using tools that lead to discovery.

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